Ok, so back at it. It's been so long since I've had the time to even post. Hopefully I haven't come up short on ideas of where to begin. I've got to make a commitment to start this over and continue my blog. My bleeding feet is basically a way of saying that I have fallen off this path of faith and trying to find my way back has been a struggle. My bleeding feet refers to climbing from these rugged paths back to the path that is hard to follow and stay on. This blog isn't meant to be a way for me to show how great religion is or push any religion on anyone. It's meant more as a discovery of the religion of Christianity viewed through my eye. Growing up I felt that it was force fed to me, Sunday after Sunday, and now I just want to interpret it how I feel it applies to me and my walk through life. I feel that the approach that I took originally with this blog was not how I should have approached it at all and that is the main reason why I failed to continue with it.
Stay tuned I am working on getting back in the swing of things and hopefully soon I can get myself out of this rut we call life and back on board to discovery